Informative Dental Blog

What to Expect During a Laser Dentistry Appointment at Divine Dental
At Divine Dental, we are proud to offer advanced laser dentistry services that allow us to treat a wide range of dental issues with precision, comfort, and efficiency.

The Benefits of Holistic Dentistry for Annapolis Families
At Divine Dental, we understand that your oral health is deeply connected to your overall wellness. Our holistic approach ensures that we provide safe, natural, and minimally invasive dental care for patients of all ages.

Dental Services in Annapolis: Routine Exams, Cleanings and More
Welcome to Annapolis Green Dental. We’re not open just yet but we figured that we would give you an idea of everything we do. We’ll be finishing up our site shortly and keeping you posted here in the meantime. If you’re interested in making an appointment with Dr. Schultheis, you can request an appointment here.

Healthy Breakfast Ideas and Your Smile
It’s no secret that a healthy breakfast can make for a healthier body. The John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health says that a healthy breakfast provides you with the energy and nutrients that lead to increased concentration and a healthier body weight.

You Can Help Save Water: Turn Off The Faucet While You Brush
Water usage has been growing at more than twice the rate of population increase (Source: UN). One in every 3 people doesn’t have access to clean water to meet their daily needs (Source: WHO). And half of the world’s hospital beds are filled with people that are suffering from water-related diseases (Source: The Water Project)..

What Is Xylitol?
Xylitol is a sweetener that occurs in nature. It’s a sugar alcohol that can be found in fruits, vegetables and even mushrooms. Xylitol is commonly used as a sugar substitute. But it’s not like the “sugar-free” substitutes found in most chewing gums, candies and mints.

3 Tips for Choosing An Annapolis Family Dentist
Choosing a family dentist in Annapolis isn’t necessarily the same as choosing a dentist for yourself. The habits that children form early in life, whether good habits or bad habits – can stay with them throughout their lives. When you’re thinking about where to bring your kids to get their regular cleanings, we think you should keep these things in mind.

Vote Annapolis Green Dental As Your Favorite Dentist
Every year, our friends at lets Marylanders vote for their favorite doctors, nurses and health care providers.

Four Reasons To Schedule A Dental Exam
Our teeth and gums deal with a lot. We use them every day, and while this seems obvious, it doesn’t always seem to occur to us we need to do more for them. Good oral care means more than regular brushing and flossing.

Zero Waste Toothpaste and Trash Is For Tossers
A few years ago, Lauren Singer started a blog called Trash Is For Tossers to document her choice to live a Zero Waste Life in New York City. Her blog is full of advice, shopping recommendations, frequently asked questions and recipes that can help you on your path to zero waste.

Why You Really Need an Sonic Toothbrush (and How You Can Get One for Free!)
Your shoulder bone’s connected to your neck bone.Your neck bone’s connected to your head bone…

Understanding Biological Dentistry: Healthy Teeth, Healthy Body
Everybody knows that teeth are connected to the jaw, but did you know they’re also connected to the pancreas? Spleen? Brain? Every organ in your body, in fact. First and foremost, they’re connected by the bloodstream.

What Are Dental Implants?
Dental implants are replacement tooth roots. Implants provide a strong foundation for fixed (permanent) or removable replacement teeth that are made to match your natural teeth.

Home Remedies to Stop Tooth Pain
Get Salty! - Get Oily! - Get Weepy! - Get Spicy! - Get Bubbly!
Beating Cavities and Remineralizing Teeth
Every day in our office we see patients with cavities and demineralized tooth structure and we get asked the same question:I brush my teeth how can I be getting cavities? What causes them?

Bone Broth Builds Healthy Teeth
It’s that time of year for comfort foods and healthy eating. Nourish your teeth and soul with these easy bone/vegan broth recipes:

10 Serious Health Problems Linked To Mercury
The OSHA website goes it to great detail of the risks of mercury and industries that expose individuals to higher levels. Many individuals are suffering with what they think are chronic conditions, diseases or symptoms that are either caused by Heavy Metal Toxicity or are being exasperated by compounds like Mercury.

Replacing Silver Fillings? Get Your Vitamins Ready!
Our patients come to us everyday asking about replacing silver fillings. Patients want to remove mercury amalgam fillings for a variety of health reasons (recent diagnosis of lyme disease, MS, low thyroid hormone levels, their chiropractor, naturapathic doctor or medical doctor has recommended it

Not Seeing Your Dentist Could Be Dangerous For Your Baby
Pregnancy and teeth have an important relationship. A recent research done by Western Reserve University of Dental Medicine determined that the death of a fetus in uterus occurred because of pregnancy-associated gum disease.

Want to Avoid Bad Breath and Receding Gums? Head to your Herb Garden and WF!
Gum diseases like pyorrhea and gingivitis are common in today’s society. They are usually progressive disorders affecting the gums and underlying bone structure. Gum diseases can be successfully treated with herbs.

Black Pepper Essential Oil Uses and Benefits
Warm your body and your mouth this winter by using a common cooking herb in your daily brushing and flossing routine. In the past, black pepper was used as currency and traded for gold. Why was black pepper so valuable then and now? Because it is fundamental to your oral and whole body health.

April Is Oral Cancer Awareness Month
Roughly 40% of new diagnosis are YOUNG, NON-SMOKERS — how can this be when oral cancer used to be a disease associated with 40+ year-old male smokers and tobacco users? It is because HPV exposure (which can be transmitted through saliva, skin contact or sex) is the cause of a 15x increase in oral cancer diagnosis.

Saliva testing save lives!
Many serious illnesses such as cancer leave traces of their presence in a patient’s saliva. Salivary diagnostic testing services may allow us to diagnosis dangerous conditions earlier.

Vegan Bone Broth (see bone broth post from last year if you want our traditional bone broth recipe)
As promised for our Vegan Patients I wanted to get you my recipe for vegan bone broth in time for Fall. Bone broth is seeking popularity due to it’s nourishing and healing properties and it’s high mineral content for the body.

Did you know your mouth can help keep you cancer-free?
Accordingly to research published in the Journal of Periodontology, individuals with periodontal disease have 1.24-fold increase in lung cancer. The study evaluated 321,420 subjects. Alcohol consumption, smoking habits, and those diagnosed with diabetes were at a 1.36-fold increase in lung cancer.

Cystic Fibrosis and Dental Health
Cystic Fibrosis is a lethal genetic disease in Caucasians with 1000 patients being diagnosed with CF in the U.S. each year. This condition affects dental health dramatically. The disease is caused by an autosomal recessive mutation to the cystic fibrosis transmembrane regularly (CFTR) gene.

Dry Mouth
Are you taking anxiety meds? meds for depressions? using an inhaler? Then your teeth could be at risk of deterioration.

Natural compounds can fight bad breath and prevent cancer
Flavonoids like Quercetin can prevent inflammation and cancer. Quercetin can temporarily control or reduce malodor. and may reduce plaque, caries, gingivitis, periodontal disease, oral mucosal ulceration or oral cancer.

Grape Seed Extract
Grape Seed Extract may make your fillings last longer and strengthen dentin. The UIC College of Dentistry’s Restorative Department stated that where resin bonds to dentin is the weak point that causes restoration breakdown

Is YEAST Sabotaging Your Health?
Please join Quay L. Holland, Yeast Imbalance Strategist as she educates you on the effects yeast can have on your overall health and well-being. Quay has 15 years of experience in the fitness and wellness industry.

5 Things You Can Do Now If You Are Experiencing Orofacial or Jaw Pain
The joints and musculature of the face and jaw are some of the most complex in any area of the body. According to studies done at Harvard Dental, up to 30-40 percent of Americans have some sort of orofacial pain.